For 1.5 years, he personally arrived 1 time, after a complaint, he said – we do not know how to use the clutch pedal and left. The 3-point hitch screw cannot be turned after a day of work in the field, it becomes completely clogged with dust and wedges. Already p. With an operating time of 2500 m / h, the viscous coupling has already been changed – a guarantee, the belt of attachments – 8 tr. .r.), the drawbar broke (55t.r. – they said not a guarantee) – well at low speed, without victims – a 10 cubic meter barrel was unhooked, a starter (50 tr.) delivery time 2 weeks – in the neighboring Belgorod region. Why such greed? Separately, I would like to say about the head of the service of the Kursk branch – a highly respected, irreplaceable and very busy person – Khripkov Yury – the head of the service of Atlant JSC, who picks up the phone every other time, does not consider it necessary to send service engineers to eliminate breakdowns on weekends and holidays, not wanting something then do with jerks when starting. The miser pays twice. 03.11.2018 Good day! There is a sad experience of owning this tractor.

Reviews about Claas Axion

them in 3 cm and flimsy mounts. At the moment I regret that I did not take another proven green. Personally, my opinion is that Claas equipment is strong, reliable, with its drawbacks in small things, solved on its own, though it is very expensive to maintain and in our region there is no qualified service. The equipment is powerful, heavy, on large wheels, comfortable, though with its own shortcomings. The official dealer has 35 tr. original -1 day.